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Sharing the joys of taiko drumming with the Inland Empire and surrounding communities.
Land Acknowledgement
Headquartered in Riverside, California, TaikoMix respectfully acknowledges and recognizes our responsibility to the original and current caretakers of this land, water, and air: the Cahuilla [ka-weeahh], Tongva [tong-va], Luiseño [loo-say-ngo], and Serrano [se-ran-oh] peoples and all of their ancestors and descendants, past, present, and future. TaikoMix programming brings together many Indigenous peoples from all over the world, including our Board of Directors, instructors, performers, students, and audience members. We are grateful for this opportunity to live and conduct programming on these homelands.
With gratitude to our funders:
TaikoMix is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization sustained through the support of grants and private contributions. Find out how you can help!

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